Knights of Columbus
Special Events
Bandera, TX
Council 10258 Participates in 2025 Texas Rally For Life in Austin, TX
Members of Knights of Columbus Council #10258, and several spouses and friends, participated in the Texas Rally for Life held on 25 January 2025 in Austin, TX. Our council’s participation at the march, along with more than 4,000 other pro-life individuals, was an attempt to change hearts and minds of women considering abortion. Brother Knights from Fredericksburg Council #9765 provided a charted bus; additional passengers from Good Shepard Catholic Church in Johnson City also participated.
Council 10258 Celebrates Christmas 2024 at the Mayan Ranch
Over 81 Knights, Spouses and special guests celebrated the Christmas Season at the Mayan Ranch on December 15th. This was a great time to reconnect with Brother Knights to enjoy a dinner and share memories. The evening was festive with Fr. Frank leading the singing of ‘Feliz Navidad’ and ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’, and to our DGK John Fassl as the Master of Ceremony.
Nominations for the yearly awards were submitted by the council's Nomination Committee; their selections resulted in these worthy recipients.
Council Annual Awards:
Knight of the Year - David Byrd
Family of the Year - Gerry and Diane Snelgrove
Rookie of the Year - Tony Cristofich
Donnie Reed Award - Jason Rutherford
Special Service Award - Steve Jureczki
Golden Molly Bolt Award - Matt Dunk
Door Prizes Winners: (drawn throughout the evening)
$20 Tractor Supply - Al Kindla
$20 True Value - Courtney Bay
$30 Tractor Supply - Mercedes Anderson
$30 True Value - Sr. Dorothy
$50 OST - Dave Aldridge
$50 Trail Boss - Jeff Cowley
Autumn Raffle Winners:
Firearms Winners:
Henry Lever Action .22LR - Elizabeth Cruz
Remington 870 Pump 12 Gauge - Lynn Saucier
Ruger GP100 .357 Revolver - Mari Eisiele
Ruger Ranch Rifle Bolt Action 6.5 CM - Bryan Grundhoefer
Gift Card Winners:
$1000 Omar Maalouf
$500 Lee Decuir
$100 Nicole Sloboda
$100 Kevin Simon
$100 Joe Urigas
$100 Don Phillips
$100 Sam Sullivan
Council Annual Awards:
Knight of the Year - David Byrd
Family of the Year - Gerry and Diane Snelgrove
Rookie of the Year - Tony Cristofich
Donnie Reed Award - Jason Rutherford
Special Service Award - Steve Jureczki
Golden Molly Bolt Award - Matt Dunk
Door Prizes Winners: (drawn throughout the evening)
$20 Tractor Supply - Al Kindla
$20 True Value - Courtney Bay
$30 Tractor Supply - Mercedes Anderson
$30 True Value - Sr. Dorothy
$50 OST - Dave Aldridge
$50 Trail Boss - Jeff Cowley
Autumn Raffle Winners:
Firearms Winners:
Henry Lever Action .22LR - Elizabeth Cruz
Remington 870 Pump 12 Gauge - Lynn Saucier
Ruger GP100 .357 Revolver - Mari Eisiele
Ruger Ranch Rifle Bolt Action 6.5 CM - Bryan Grundhoefer
Gift Card Winners:
$1000 Omar Maalouf
$500 Lee Decuir
$100 Nicole Sloboda
$100 Kevin Simon
$100 Joe Urigas
$100 Don Phillips
$100 Sam Sullivan
Silver Rose Ceremony Held at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church on
August 17, 2024
The Knights of Columbus Council 10258 sponsored a Silver Rose Ceremony on August 17, 2024. The ceremony was held at St. Stanislaus Church with support from several parish ministries, including the Guadalupanos, who dressed in traditional Mexican clothing for the entrance procession. Jerry Waite, Council Member and Choir Director, spearheaded this special event. Hill Country Assembly #2465 4th Degree Knights processed with the Silver Rose while the Cecilian Choir sang sacred music. Council members were involved in the reader roles and lead the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Deacon Carl Rutkowski presided and presented the homily.
Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to the Basilica of the Virgen de Guadalupe in México City. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners, and community members to pray to increase our respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to the Basilica of the Virgen de Guadalupe in México City. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners, and community members to pray to increase our respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Knights of Columbus Announce their 2024-2025
Don Cody Scholarship Recipients
The Knights of Columbus want to congratulate Francesca Bryd, Logan Dybowski, Joseph Spence and Ryan Zimmel as recipients of the 2024-2025 Don Cody Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 This scholarship supports the continuing education of students returning to a Trade School or University. Applications are graded on Academic Performance, Service to Church and School and Community Service.
ACE Wings Presented to Five Council 10258 Members
Five Council 10258 members were presented their ACE Wings at the council's 20 August 2024 meeting. ACE Wings stands for Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise, without Exception. To earn the ACE Wings a Knight must do 5 public Pro-Life events.
In the past the ACE Wings were often thought of as an award. Please never refer to it as an award – Each set of ACE Wings represents a child that was lost to abortion – and you cannot “win” this…!!
In the past the ACE Wings were often thought of as an award. Please never refer to it as an award – Each set of ACE Wings represents a child that was lost to abortion – and you cannot “win” this…!!
Members receiving their ACE Wings were:
-- Richard Blanchette
-- John Frank
-- Eric Kellmann
-- Michael Tarr
-- Michael Welborn
-- Richard Blanchette
-- John Frank
-- Eric Kellmann
-- Michael Tarr
-- Michael Welborn
Three St. Stanislaus Parish Youth Receive Don Cody Memorial Scholarships
Three very deserving students from St. Stanislaus Parish were awarded Don Cody Memorial Scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic school year. The Don Cody Scholarships are presented to eligible students who are continuing their trade school or college education following their initial freshman year of post high school studies. The scholarship application focuses on the student’s academic performance, as well as volunteering in community, school, and church activities at their trade school or college campus. The Knights of Columbus, Council 10258 awarded $1,500 scholarships to Ms. Francesca Byrd, Angelo State University, Ms. Alexandra Soupley, Sam Houston State University, and Mr. Jesse Zimmel, UT-San Antonio. The scholarship is named after Brother Don Cody who wanted to help our parish children achieve their academic goals.
“40 Cans for Lent” Food Donation Campaign is a Huge Success
The “40 Cans for Lent” food donation campaign was once again a huge success for the Knights of Columbus Council 10258. Council members, with the generous help from parishioners from St. Stanislaus and St Victor, collected 2,200 pounds of non-perishable foods items for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society that will be distributed to residents of Bandera County. The "40 Cans for Lent” campaign was co-chaired by Raul Escontrias and Rick Brower; however, the success of this program is driven by the tremendous support from council members and parishioners alike. Lent provides an opportunity for each of us to live generously – to show gratitude for God’s gifts to us and to share those gifts with others.
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” – Colossians 3:17
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” – Colossians 3:17
Council 10258 Awarded Texas State Quick Start Charity Award for Fraternal Year 2020-2021
Grand Knight, Mike Lloyd announced that Council 10258 was awarded the Texas State Quick Start Charity Award for the Fraternal Year 2020-2021; this marks the 18th consecutive year the council has met or exceeded its charity goal set by the Texas State Knights of Columbus. The announcement was made at the monthly officer’s meeting held on 09 March 2021. The council’s various fund-raising events directly contribute to this worthy cause.
Knights of Columbus Texas State Charities asks that each council contribute to Texas State Charities at a rate of $10 per member. Out of every dollar contributed to Texas State Charities, 70% goes back to the states Bishops for his designated Charity. With the monies donated, Texas State charities contribute to Special Olympics, Catholic Archives, Frontline Faith, Disaster Relief, and other requested charitable donations.
Knights of Columbus Texas State Charities asks that each council contribute to Texas State Charities at a rate of $10 per member. Out of every dollar contributed to Texas State Charities, 70% goes back to the states Bishops for his designated Charity. With the monies donated, Texas State charities contribute to Special Olympics, Catholic Archives, Frontline Faith, Disaster Relief, and other requested charitable donations.
Brother John Fassl is awarded the Council’s 2020 Knight of the Year
A special award given out each year is the Knights of Columbus Council 10258 Knight of the Year. This year’s award was presented to Brother John Fassl by Past Grand Knight Brian Dennis. John is a quiet leader who has become a mainstay at our Council’s work project activities, fish fries, and now as an officer in the council as well as a key member of the Scholarship Committee. Thank you, John, for all you do for our council. This is truly a well-deserved award. |
John and Rachel Escalera are awarded the Council’s 2020 Family of the Year
Mr. and Mrs. John Escalera were awarded the Council 2020 Family of the Year. John and Rachel have been involved in St Stanislaus, St Victor and ACTS CORE activities for several years. John and Rachel have hosted many KofC events as well as St Stanislaus/St Victor youth group fellowship functions at their residence. They were instrumental in kicking off the ACTS Taco Tuesday events. John is our council’s food preparation specialist and oversees food processing and sanitary requirements at our parish fish fries. Thank you, John and Rachel, for all you do. |
2020 Donnie Reed Award Presented to Brother Brian Dennis
Past Grand Knight Brian Dennis is the third member of Council 10258 to be awarded the prestigious Robert Donald “Donnie” Reed award since its inception in 2018. This award gets its name from deceased member Sir Knight Donnie Reed, U.S. Army Ranger and Vietnam Veteran and is presented to members of the council who demonstrate patriotism and civic duty. Brian is a U.S. Air Force veteran whose dedication to his civic duty is unquestioned; he is consistently involved in organizing and volunteering for charitable events in the St Stanislaus parish and in Bandera County. Congratulations Brian for encouraging active Catholic citizenship. |
2020 Autumn Raffle Winners Announced
Autumn Raffle Chairman, Darrell Bay, did an outstanding job in coordinating the dates and venues to sell our 1000 raffle tickets. This process starts in early September and goes through the actual day of the drawing. This year, all 1000 raffle tickets were sold and submitted. Darrell, and all the Knights of Columbus, wish to thank all who bought and sold tickets. We couldn’t have made this fundraiser a success without you. And a very special “Thank You” to the following businesses that permitted the Knights to use their venues to sell tickets to the public:
$100 – Scott Hicks
$100 – Parenica
$100 – Ribar
$100 – F.J. Brewerton
$100 – Suzy Groff
$250 – Cole Bowers
$250 – Joe Doria Jr.
$500 – R. Schindler
$500 – Joe Baduba
$2,000 – Cole Bowers
- Bryan and Stacie Hutzler – The Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch.
- Johnny Boyle – True Value Hardware and Bandera Wine and Spirits.
- Lowe’s Grocery, Bandera.
$100 – Scott Hicks
$100 – Parenica
$100 – Ribar
$100 – F.J. Brewerton
$100 – Suzy Groff
$250 – Cole Bowers
$250 – Joe Doria Jr.
$500 – R. Schindler
$500 – Joe Baduba
$2,000 – Cole Bowers
Council 10258 Celebrates Blessed Michael McGivney Beatification
Father Michael McGivney’s beatification in Hartford, Conn. on 31 October 2020 was truly an historic event for the Knights of Columbus and the Church throughout the world. On this date Knights of Columbus, as well as other Catholics around the world, rejoiced in Fr. McGivney being named the Church’s newest “Blessed”. Here in Bandera, TX., Council 10258 members celebrated this special occasion by attending the 01 November, 8:00 AM Sunday Mass as a group to recognize our orders founder.
“Blessed Michael McGivney, Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us.”
“Blessed Michael McGivney, Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us.”
America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally Held at St. Stanislaus
On Saturday, 10 October 2020, the parish grounds of St. Stanislaus Church witnessed an event that was also taking place at over 20,000 locations across the United States; on this date multitudes of Catholics from coast to coast all prayed the Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima together. This national event is annually coordinated by the America Needs Fatima campaign and along with thousands of others we prayed for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother that God will heal our country of the pandemic, rioting, looting, murder, as well as moral and societal collapse.
This public rosary rally was attended by many parishioners representing service ministries at St Stanislaus/St Victor Mission, to include: Knights of Columbus-Council 10258, Guadalupanos Society, ACTS Core, Youth Altar Servers, Religious Education Instructors, and more. “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering” (Saint Louis de Montfort).
This public rosary rally was attended by many parishioners representing service ministries at St Stanislaus/St Victor Mission, to include: Knights of Columbus-Council 10258, Guadalupanos Society, ACTS Core, Youth Altar Servers, Religious Education Instructors, and more. “Public prayer is far more powerful than private prayer to appease the anger of God and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering” (Saint Louis de Montfort).
Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
(Our Lady of Fatima, July 13, 1917)
Council 10258 Donation Provides Needed Funds for Pregnancy Resource Center
“Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all stages and in every condition.” (Pope John Paul II, 1995) The Knights of Columbus Council 10258, Bandera, is committed to the sanctity of human life and has provided a generous donation of $1,500.00 to the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) of Kerrville, TX to purchase a new ultrasound machine that has been installed in the new mobile van “Miss Kathy”. Working in conjunction with Father Henry Kemper Council 6409, Kerrville, and other neighboring ‘Hill Country’ K of C Councils, a total of $13,850.84 was raised by July 2020. The amount raised locally was matched by the Knights of Columbus Supreme and an additional $13,000.00 was provided for this worthy project. The campaign and matching funds provided a total of $26,850.84 to the PRC to purchase the new ultrasound machine (retail value of $54,000.00). The machine has been installed and is now being used, allowing pregnant mothers to encounter the life of their child in a significant way.
Criss Wilson is Presented Pro-Life ACE Wings
Receiving the Knights of Columbus Pro-Life A.C.E Wings is a testament to the belief that all life, from conception to natural death, isto be protected. (A.C.E is an acronymfor Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise and without Exception.) As a member of the Knights of Columbus and a Practical Catholic Gentlemen, Council10258 member Criss Wilsonhas earned the “Precious Feet”of the ACE Wings Award. The ACE Wings are the same size and shape of an unborn baby’s feet at 10 weeks after conception. Brother Criss has demonstrated his commitment to protecting the most vulnerable of our society through his involvement with the Pregnancy Resource Centerin Kerrville, TX. Criss was instrumental in the fundraising efforts to purchase a mobile medical clinic, ‘Miss Kathy’; a mobile clinic that services the medical needs of residents of Bandera and Kerr Counties. In order to be awarded the Pro-Life ACE Wings the recipients need to accomplish at least 5 pro-life activities; some of which conspicuously place ACE Wings recipients in the public eye and possible harm. Brother Criss was presented his ACE Award by Grand Knight Mike Lloyd on 27 Aug 2020 during a Council 10258 Officer’s Meeting. Congratulations Criss and to all members who have committed themselves to protecting the unborn.
(L-R) Grand Knight, Mike Lloyd presents Criss Wilson his Pro-Life ACE Wings during a Council 10258 Officer’s Meeting on 27 Aug 2020. Photo by: Council 10258
Council 10258 Awards Five Scholarships to St. Stanislaus Parish Youth
Knights of Columbus, Council 10258 awarded Don Cody Memorial Continuing Education Scholarships to five St. Stanislaus parishioners returning to college following their freshman year. The five students were presented $1,200.00 scholarships for demonstrating superior academic performance and volunteering in community, school, and church activities at their college campus. Receiving the scholarships were Ms. Francesca Byrd, Angelo State University, Mr. Christian Henk, Texas A&M, Mr. Matthew Rutkowski, UT-San Antonio, Ms. Alexandra Soupley, Sam Houston State University, and Mr. Jesse Zimmel, UT-San Antonio. The Don Cody Memorial Continuing Education Scholarship is an annual award and was made available through the generous donation provided by the Don Cody family and intended to provide scholarships for continuing education to returning trade school and college students.
Council 10258 Awarded Texas State Quick Start Charity Award for Fraternal Year 2019-2020
Tuesday, 21 Jan 2020 was a meaningful night for Council 10258, where once again the council received the Texas State Quick Start Charity Award for the Fraternal Year 2019-2020. The members of Council 10258 routinely set the example for other council's in District #41 to follow; this marks the 17th consecutive year Council 10258 has meet or exceeded its charity goal set by the Texas State Knights of Columbus. District Deputy Mike Trevino presented the award to Grand Knight Brian Dennis on behalf of the council; congratulations to all the members who support the various fund-raising activities that allow the council to give back to the Texas Sate Charities.
Tj's at The Old Forge Is the Scene for Council 10258’s Christmas Social 01 December 2019
Council 10258 Knights of Columbus members, spouses, family and friends gathered at Tj's at The Old Forge in Bandera on 01 Dec to rejoice in each other’s company and give thanks for a wonderful year of outstanding accomplishments that supported the St. Stanislaus parish and the Bandera community. A special thank you to Brother Marcus Kasper, Council 10258 Social Director, for organizing this delightful event. Two special council awards were presented, to include: Family of the Year and Knight of the Year. The Awards Committee decided to present two of each award; the Family of the Year Award was presented to Claude and Lynette Biediger and Mike and Eileen Tarr. The Knight of the Year Award was presented to Criss Wilson and Rick Brower. Congratulation to these deserving individuals; their dedication to serving the church and community is an inspiration to the parish.
At the conclusion of the meal the winners of the Council’s 2019 Autumn Raffle were announced. Brother Darrel Bay again chaired this important fund-raising event; and he would like to thank all the Brother Knights that bought and sold tickets, all that gave up time on weekends to sell tickets at the various locations and at the Masses. Winners of the 2019 raffle are: $2000 – Chuck Christian $500 – Steve Jureczki $500 – Rick Brower $250 – Darrell Bay $250 – Nathan Dusek $100 – Franci Bay $100 – Michaela Martinez $100 – Lisa Mertz $100 – Marcus Kaspar $100 – Mary Ann Engler |
Council #10258 Helps with “Buy A Brick Fundraiser”
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 is helping raise funds to support construction of a new Our Lady of Guadalupe monument. Parishioners can purchase either a 4 in. x 8 in. brick or an 8 in. x 8 in. brick that will be custom engraved per the wishes of the purchaser. The bricks will be placed on the walkway leading toward the monument. All forms must be received by 01 DEC 2019. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Tarr, 210-885-1288.
Council #10258 Sponsors Diaper Drive during 40 Days of Life
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 is once again sponsoring a baby diaper drive to support the Kerrville Pregnancy Center during the 40 Days for Life. The 40 Days for Life will be observed through Sunday, 03 NOV 2019. Collection boxes will be stationed at all Masses at St. Stanislaus (Bandera) and St. Victor (Lakehills). |
Knights of Columbus Council #10258 Supports Pro-Life Mobile Care Unit, "Miss Kathy"
The Pro-Life movement is catching fire here in the Hill Country with Council 10258, St Stanislaus Church, leading the way in the effort to save God's defenseless children. Under the enthusiastic leadership of council member Brother Criss Wilson, the council is raising money to fund a mobile care unit in order bring pro-life medical services to abortion-vulnerable women here in Bandera County. The mobile care unit, affectionately known as "Miss Kathy" is operated by a Christian organization, First Choice. The vehicle was purchased with a grant from the Cailloux Foundation, which was established in 1994 by the late Floyd and Kathleen Cailloux family of Kerrville, TX.
The cost of supporting the activities of Miss Kathy is expensive; the unit requires a full-time nurse and an assistant. It takes $6,000.00 a year to support a paid part-time assistant for Miss Kathy one day a week for the entire year. This is where Brother Criss stepped up to get those needed funds; he coordinated the action of having Miss Kathy present at St Stanislaus Church on Sunday morning, 19 MAY, in order for fellow parishioners to see the lifesaving equipment first had. First Choice spokeswoman, Ms. Laine Johnson, was available to speak to the congregation and take questions after each Mass, while Ms. Ginger Schulze, a St. Stanislaus parishioner and a valuable, long-time volunteer at First Choice provided tours of the mobile unit and explained the blessings of having “Miss Kathy” available for the women of Bandera County. The Holy Spirit was no doubt working through Brother Criss because through his efforts over $6,600.00 has been raised to support this worthy pro-life cause. Council 10258 contributed $1,000.00. Another pro-life organization, the Parenting Resource Center (PRC), a sister organization, stands ready to support at-risk mothers as they bring their babies into the world. Council 10258 also supports the PRC with our annual diaper drive that occurs during the annual 40 Days for Life. |
Council #10258 is Blessed with Generous Support during 40 Cans for Lent Food Collection 2019
The active members of Knights of Columbus Council #10258, Bandera, TX, for the fourth year in a row, had another extremely successful 40 Cans for Lent food collection. This year the council collected 2,007 lbs. of nonperishable food items from council members, parishioners and ‘Winter Texans’ during the Council's weekly Lenten fish fries. The food will be donated to the St Vincent de Paul Society food pantry of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Bandera, and St. Victor Chapel in Lakehills, and distributed to the needy of Bandera County.
Chairmen Brother Raul Escontrias and Brother Bill Araiza once again spear-headed this activity and their leadership and dedication to serving the people of Bandera County is truly inspiring. These two Catholic gentlemen live their faith and demonstrate the first pillar of the Knights of Columbus: Charity. Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries. The Council wishes to thank everyone who generously donated food during this Lenten season. |
Council #10258 Awarded Columbian and Founders Awards
Council #10258 was very busy during the 2017-2018 Fraternal Year: 01 JUN 2017 to 31 JUL 2018. For their efforts the council was rewarded with the Founders’ Award for insurance membership growth and the Columbian Award for completing service programs. District Deputy Mike Trevino, representing District #42, was on hand at the council's 15 JAN 2019 meeting to present both awards to Past Grand Knight Shawn Groff. Brother Shawn was the council's Grand Knight during this time period and under his leadership the council had at least a 2.5 percent net gain of insurance members for the fraternal year. In addition, the council qualified for the Columbian Award which is awarded to councils that conduct at least four activities in the areas of Church, Community, Council, Culture of Life, Family and Youth. The Columbian Award is truly a special award because it’s a team award, meaning it takes all members of the council to volunteer their time and talents and put their efforts towards improving the quality of life for their Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the parish and the surrounding community. Congratulations to all Council #10258 members.
Council #10258 Awarded Texas Spirit Award
The TEXAS SPIRIT Award was awarded to Council #10258 at their 15 JAN 2019 regular meeting. Accepting the award from District Deputy Mike Trevino was Past Grand Knight Shawn Groff and current Grand Knight Brian Dennis. This is the second year in a row Council #10258 has earned this award. The Texas State Knights of Columbus presents this award for council’s that show a positive growth in both membership and insurance (i.e. + 1 or more).
- Council #10258 Celebrates the Arrival Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose to St Stanislaus Church
Tuesday, November 12, 2018, marked a very significant event for Council #10258 when one of the eight Silver Roses, part of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose - One Life, One Rose Program, arrived at St. Stanislaus Church. Members of Knights of Council Council #10258, Hill Country Assembly #2465, St. Stanislaus Guadaluponos Society and parishioners celebrated the arrival of the Silver Rose by reciting the Rosary, a short history of the Silver Rose Program presented by Sir Knight Russ Locke, and a celebration of the Mass offered by Rev. Msgr. Frank Kurzaj. Sir Knight Russ Locke was instrumental in setting up this very special event; only three travel routes were planned for the Silver Rose through Texas and having Bandera included on one of the routes had to be coordinated with the Texas State Silver Rose Chairman well in advance of the planned event.
In March 2018, eight silver roses began their journeys on various routes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Three routes ended in Mexico, another three in Texas, one other in Washington, D. C., and the eighth route completed its journey at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, CT, where the Knights of Columbus was founded. All eight of the routes concluded their journeys on December 12, 2018 on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, the same day when the three Silver Roses in Mexico reached the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monterrey.
2018 marks the 58th year of the program which began in 1960 to honor the Blessed Virgin under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. The program has continued since then as a project of Knights of Columbus councils and Fourth Degree assemblies in several jurisdictions. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. As we think in terms of ‘One Life, One Rose,’ it is most appropriate that we turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe who made known her will through Juan Diego and the miracle of the roses."
In March 2018, eight silver roses began their journeys on various routes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Three routes ended in Mexico, another three in Texas, one other in Washington, D. C., and the eighth route completed its journey at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, CT, where the Knights of Columbus was founded. All eight of the routes concluded their journeys on December 12, 2018 on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, the same day when the three Silver Roses in Mexico reached the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monterrey.
2018 marks the 58th year of the program which began in 1960 to honor the Blessed Virgin under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. The program has continued since then as a project of Knights of Columbus councils and Fourth Degree assemblies in several jurisdictions. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. As we think in terms of ‘One Life, One Rose,’ it is most appropriate that we turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe who made known her will through Juan Diego and the miracle of the roses."
Trinity Butler Places 1st with Her Drug Awareness and
Abuse Poster at the Texas State Level
Abuse Poster at the Texas State Level
Council #10258 congratulated Miss Trinity Butler for her first place award in the Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest; she was presented with her achievement certificate and 1st place trophy before the council's regularly scheduled meeting on 15 May. Trinity, a student at Bandera Middle School, competed in the 8-11 year old age group and had already placed first at both the Local and District levels with her Drug Awareness and Abuse poster.
In addition to Trinity’s outstanding achievement, Council #10258 was also represented with three other students bringing home Texas State awards. Placing 2nd and 3rd, respectively, for their Drug Awareness posters were Maritza Macias and Jalyn Lamb, in the 8-11 age group. Also, Kaylie Rickman placed 2nd in the 12-14 age group for her Alcohol Awareness poster. Fantastic job and congratulations to all the participants. |
Council #10258 Recognizes the 2018 Bandera ISD
Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Winners
Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Winners
Council #10258 sponsored the Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest at the local Bandera ISD Elementary schools. This year's poster entries once again proved to be very competitive. Bandera ISD students participated from Hill Country Elementary, Alkek Elementary and Bandera Middle School; the contest was open to all youth between the ages of 8 and 14 and the posters had to reflect either the theme of Alcohol Awareness and Abuse OR Drug Awareness and Abuse. The Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest consists of up to 5 levels of competition: Local (Council), District, Regional, State & International. This year's award winners competing at the Local (Council) level included:
Alkek Elementary: Drug Awareness and Abuse, Age Group: 8-11 1st Jayla Lamb 2nd Taytum Miller 3rd Maritza Macias Alkek Elementary: Alcohol Awareness and Abuse, Age Group: 8-11 1st Sarah Le 2nd Lauren Meier 3rd Caylen Thaler Bandera Middle School: Drug Awareness and Abuse, Age Group: 8-11 1st Trinity Butler Bandera Middle School: Alcohol Awareness and Abuse, Age Group: 12-14 1st Kaylie Rickman These winners will now compete at the District level; Good Luck to all. |
Council 10258 Awarded Texas State Quick Start Charity Award
for Fraternal Year 2017-2018
for Fraternal Year 2017-2018
Council 10258, Bandera, once again received the Texas State Quick Start Charity Award for the Fraternal Year 2017-2018. Council 10258, located in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, District 41, met its charity goal of $1,380.00; this marks the 16th consecutive year Council 10258 has achieved its Texas State charity goal. Charity, of course, is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. Financial Secretary Sir Knight James Hackleman, along with Grand Knight Shawn Groff and Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, accepted the award at the council’s regularly scheduled meeting held on May 15, 2018. Congratulations to all the members of this very active and generous council. |
Council 10258 Awarded the Columbian and Texas Spirit Award
For Fraternal Year 2016-2017
For Fraternal Year 2016-2017
Knights of Columbus Council #10258 was awarded two prestigious awards for Fraternal Year 2016-2017 during its 23 January 2018. Brother Scott Scheidt, District Depute #41, presented these award to Grand Knight Shawn Groff and Financial Secretary James Hackleman, who accepted the Columbian and Texas Spirit Awards on behalf of the council. The Columbian Award is given to Knights of Columbus councils who conduct and report at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories: Church, Community, Council, Family, Culture of Life, and Youth. This award takes a total team effort because of the wide range of activities involved; members volunteer their time, equipment or special talents which enables Council 10258 to help the St Stanislaus / St Victor parish community and beyond.
The Texas State Knights of Columbus has initiated the new Texas Spirit Award; this award is to recognize those councils who work so hard during the year but for various reasons, struggle to obtain their Membership and/or Insurance goals. The criteria for the Texas Spirit Award are similar to Star Council with the exception of meeting both the membership and insurance quotas; however, a council must show a positive growth in both membership and insurance (i.e. + 1 or more).
Council #10258 Conducts Successful Diaper Drive Supporting
the Kerrville Pregnancy Center, Kerrville, TX
the Kerrville Pregnancy Center, Kerrville, TX
The Knights of Columbus, Council #10258, completed a very successful diaper drive during the '40 Days for Life' campaign with outstanding results. Collection boxes were placed at St. Stanislaus (Bandera) and St. Victor (Lakehills) between 27 SEP through 05 NOV 2017; the outpouring of support and generosity from the St. Stanislaus and St. Victor parish communities contributed to 5,253 diapers, 162 bundles of baby wipes, $250 in cash donations, and several items of baby clothes being delivered to the Kerrville Pregnancy Resource Center, Kerrville, TX. The pregnancy center serves Kerr, Gillespie, and Bandera Counties. The Council's Pro-Life Director, Brother Bryan Hutzler (with son, John Paul, and daughter Sarah), along with Deputy Grand Knight Brian Dennis, Brothers Claude Biediger and Ken McBride delivered these items on 16 Nov 2017.
40 Days for Life is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping people in local communities end the injustice of abortion through: Fasting and Prayer, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigil. |
Bandera Middle School Student Wins the Texas State and
International Level Alcohol Awareness and Abuse Poster Contest
International Level Alcohol Awareness and Abuse Poster Contest
Bandera Middle School student, Conner Barrington, was awarded the Knights of Columbus 2016-2017 Alcohol Awareness and Abuse poster contest winner, at both the Texas State and International Level. Competing in the 12-14 age category, Conner's award winning poster went through the several levels of competition within the state of Texas, to include: council level, district level, region/state level. His poster was chosen to represent the state of Texas at the International Level. Connor competed against close to 10,000 other children participating from other council's throughout the nation.
The Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest is open to all young people between the ages of 8 and 14. The children are asked to design and create posters that communicate a message of sobriety and the dangers of substance abuse. The International level poster winners will serve as the basis for substance abuse awareness materials to be produced and distributed by the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council.
Council 10258 Presents $500 Check to Support the American Wheelchair Mission
The Knights of Columbus Council #10258, Bandera, TX presented a $500 check to Scott Scheidt, District Deputy #41, who will forward the money to the American Wheelchair Mission. The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization that delivers wheelchairs to physically disabled people throughout the world. The check presentation took place during the council’s regularly scheduled meeting on 17 October with Brother Claude Biediger, Treasure, and Sir James Hackleman, Financial Secretary, doing the honors. The Knights of Columbus have been associated with the American Wheelchair Mission since 2003; this donation by Council #10258, and many other councils, will be used to fund the delivery of thousands of wheelchairs here in the U.S. and around the world.
Council #10258 Completes a Successful “40 Cans for Lent” Food Drive
Knights of Columbus Council #10258, Bandera, held a very successful non-perishable food drive during the 2017 Lenten season by collecting over 1,529 pounds of food. The non-perishable food will be donated to the St Vincent de Paul Society food pantry of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Bandera, and St Victor Chapel in Lakehills, and then distributed to the needy of Bandera County. Council #10258 "40 Cans for Lent" program was started in 2016; spear-headed by Chairman Brother Raul Escontrias and co-chaired by Brother Bill Araiza. Under the leadership of these two Knights this worthy program has been abundantly blessed. Brother Bill Araiza, custodian of the food and board member of St. Vincent de Paul Society attributes the success of the program to the generosity of the Council's members, the parish community and visiting 'Winter Texans' who attend the Council's Lenten Fish Fry. Brother Raul Escontrias stated that as long as there is need for this program it will continue. The Council wishes to thank everyone who generously donated food during this Lenten season.
Members of Council 10258 Attend Knights of Columbus Texas State Convention
By Alan Zimmel
Council 10258 was well represented at Texas’ 113th State Convention, held on April 28-30, 2017, in Dallas at the Hilton Anatole Hotel. Sir Knights’ James Hackleman and Tom Doebbler, with their wives accompanying them, were nominated by the council to attend and vote on matters that affect Knights of Columbus issues in the state and ultimately Council 10258. The weekend included many activities for both Knights of Columbus members and their wives. Friday morning, 28 April, started off with some friendly competition on the golf course, followed in the afternoon with an awards celebration to congratulate and recognize the hard work and exemplary achievements of all councils across the state of Texas. The opening day ended with a Casino Night party with many hospitality rooms opened to offer fraternal cheer and for meeting old and new friends. Business activities started on Saturday morning, 29 April, when all attendees were invited to the Opening Mass with the His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo as the Principal Celebrant. After the opening mass, His Excellency Edward Burns, Bishop of Dallas, was introduced with a special welcome. The men then began their Opening Business session while the ladies enjoyed a special luncheon event. The afternoon was dedicated to more business for the men until they completed all scheduled caucus meetings. The evening concluded with a State Banquet that featuring several honored guests. On Sunday morning, State Chaplain Bishop Joe Vasquez celebrated the Annual Memorial Mass. Business matters followed when the men wrapped up the State Council’s business and the ladies met for nice breakfast. The final session closed with all attendees invited to witness a special invitation for next year’s convention. A truly remarkable weekend was witnessed by our council’s members. Thank you James and Tom for representing Council 10258. |
Council #10258 Awarded 15 Year Charity Award for Continuously Meeting
or Exceeding the Council’s Texas State Charity Goal
or Exceeding the Council’s Texas State Charity Goal
Article by Alan Zimmel
Fifteen years of doing ‘anything’ consistently is remarkable; and for Knights of Columbus members of Council #10258, Bandera, it’s their desire to meet their Texas State Charities Goal year after year. District Deputy Scott Scheidt presented Council #10258 with the Knights of Columbus 15 Year Charity Award for Continuously Meeting or Exceeding the Council’s Texas State Charity Goal at their monthly meeting on 18 April 2017.
The council’s current Grand Knight (GK), Shawn Groff, is grateful for the established work ethics set by Past Grand Knights, Financial Secretary’s and all the council’s members willing to give of themselves to participate in fund raising events which enable the council to achieve these types of milestones. Council #10258 has seen an approximate 64% membership growth over the last 15 years and these new members are the lifeblood of the council’s success; they provide fresh ideas and team work that promote the council’s sense of community and a desire to help others.
Fifteen years of doing ‘anything’ consistently is remarkable; and for Knights of Columbus members of Council #10258, Bandera, it’s their desire to meet their Texas State Charities Goal year after year. District Deputy Scott Scheidt presented Council #10258 with the Knights of Columbus 15 Year Charity Award for Continuously Meeting or Exceeding the Council’s Texas State Charity Goal at their monthly meeting on 18 April 2017.
The council’s current Grand Knight (GK), Shawn Groff, is grateful for the established work ethics set by Past Grand Knights, Financial Secretary’s and all the council’s members willing to give of themselves to participate in fund raising events which enable the council to achieve these types of milestones. Council #10258 has seen an approximate 64% membership growth over the last 15 years and these new members are the lifeblood of the council’s success; they provide fresh ideas and team work that promote the council’s sense of community and a desire to help others.
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 participated in Dedication of New Adoration Chapel
Knights of Columbus members from Council 10258, to include Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree, supported the dedication of the new Adoration Chapel at St. Stanislaus Church on 22 January. Brother Knights from Council 10258 provided key logistical support; while the Fourth Degree, dressed in full regalia, provided a ceremonial escort for Fr. John Nolan as he carried the Holy Eucharist to the new Adoration Chapel.
The Knights started their preparations for this special event by attending two evenings of ‘walk through’ practices earlier in the week. Sir Knight Tom Doebbler coordinated the various tasks for the Council, while Sir Knight Randy Riedlinger, Color Corp Commander, oversaw the Fourth Degree involvement, and Brothers Charles Grant and Jesse Lindner scheduled the usher duties for the 11:30 Mass and traffic safety, respectfully.
By his Real Presence in the Eucharist Christ fulfills his promise to be with us "always, until the end of the age" (Mt 28:20).
Council 10258 Receives Two Prestigious Awards
Brother Adan Polanco, Called to Serve his Parish Community
During the busy Christmas Season Brother Adan Polanco, Knights of Columbus member from Council 10258, answered the call to serve the St Stanislaus Parish by repairing the dirt access road on the north side of St. Joseph's Hall. The dirt road, approximately 200 feet long, had deteriorated over the years and was prone to developing large mud holes during rainy weather, making it very difficult to gain access to storage buildings utilized by members of St Vincent De Paul, Knights of Columbus and other parish organizations.
During the week of 19 December Brother Adan provided his time and equipment to spread, level and compact twenty-four yards of aggregate base #2. As an experienced road contractor, Adan paid particular attention to the depth and grade of the base material ensuring his work will last many years. Thank you Brother Adan for answering the call to serve your parish community. |
Council 10258 Donates Storage Shelves
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 purchased six large shelving units, each unit measuring 24" wide, 77" long and 60" high, and installed them in a large storage room of the newly renovated Adoration Chapel. Grand Knight Shawn Groff and Brothers Charles Grant and Claude Biediger donated their time to install the shelves on Monday and Tuesday, 17 and 18 October 2016.
Community Service - Paving the way - Sacred Garden, Bandera, TX
During the months of September and October Knights of Columbus members of Council 10258 are giving their time and landscaping expertise to lay paving stones at the Sacred Garden, located at 1306 Oak St, Bandera. Sister Dorothy Batto is overseeing this project. Ten pallets of landscape pavers were placed in the backyard of the garden walkway with the help of the following energetic Knights and family members: Ricky Hinton, Kenley Hinton, Randy Riedlinger, Mike Llyod, Mike Welborne, Shawn Groff, Ken McBride, Mike Tarr and Ron Dusek.
Community Service - Building a Safe Walkway for
Deacon Peter, Lakehills, TX
On July 4, 2016, members of the Knights of Columbus Council # 10258 participated in a Community Service Project to assist Deacon (Retired) Peter build a safe walkway at his home in Lakehills. The Knights who participated in this worthy cause were Randy Campbell (Chair), Darrell Bay, Ray Davila, Bill Mack, John Escalera, Mike Welborn, Thomas Clark, Alan Zimmel and Deacon Peter. Not pictured Shawn Groff, Brian Dennis, Columbus Stutes, Charles Grant, Mike Lloyd, Ken McBride, Mike Tarr, and Jesse Lindner.
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Poster Contest
The Knights of Columbus Council #10258 sponsored a Drug and Alcohol Poster Contest through Bandera Middle School. Art teacher Amy Kepp encouraged her art students to be creative and participate in the this worthy event. Winner for the 12 year old drug category was Austin Abitz, 11 yr old drug category winner was Samara Jimenez and 12 yr old alcohol winner was Kendra Schwarz. |
Knights of Columbus Awards
Grand Knight, Shawn Groff, commends J.M. Clements for achieving Knights of Columbus Honorary Life Membership status during Council 10258’s monthly meeting held on 20 September 2016. Congratulations J.M.
In order to attain Honorary Life Membership status, a member must be 70 years of age and have been a member of the Order for 25 consecutive years; also, those who have been members of the Order for 50 consecutive years, regardless of age, shall be designated as Honorary Life Members. District Deputy Knight Joseph Arrieta attended our Tuesday, December 15th meeting to share wonderful news with our Council and Past Grand Knight, Charlie Grant. The Knights of Columbus Council #10258 was awarded the Star Council Award for 2014/2015. Awards did not end there, however, Council #10258 Brother, Bill Araiza, was awarded the Council's "Family of the Year" award for 2015/2016. We are extremely proud of our Council and our Brother Knights who always go above and beyond to serve God, our fellow Brothers and our Community. |
National Day of the Cowboy
The Knights of Columbus Council #10258 was presented a check for the amount of $868.00. The check represented the profits earned from the National Day of the Cowboy Rodeo which was held in July. The presentation was held at the Frontier Times Museum with museum board member, Anthony Ferragamo, presenting the check to Knights of Columbus Rodeo Chairperson, Brian Dennis. Other Knights of Columbus Council members in attendance were Grand Knight, Russ Locke; Deputy Grand Knight, Shawn Groff; and Inside Guard, Ken McBride. On hand to take photos was Past Grand Knight, Charlie Grant. |