Knights of Columbus
Bandera, TX
Council Members Volunteer to Support Bandera ProRodeo Association’s Activities
Several members of Council 10258 volunteered to help support Bandera ProRodeo Association's Ranch Rodeo during this year's Labor Day Weekend. This two day event, held at Mansfield Park Rodeo Arena, featured both Men's and Women's Ranch Rodeo activities. There was also a Kid's Mutton Busting competition.
Leading the way for the council was Brother Eric Kellmann, President of Bandera ProRodeo Association and his wife, Lisa Kellmann, Treasurer. In addition, GK Alan Zimmel and DGK John Fassl worked the livestock gates while Past GK, Criss Wilson, a volunteer for the Medina Volunteer Fire Department, provided parking management.
Knights of Columbus members are involved in many organizations and events in the Bandera community. Active Catholic participation in community events is one way to evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ. Vivat Jesus.
Leading the way for the council was Brother Eric Kellmann, President of Bandera ProRodeo Association and his wife, Lisa Kellmann, Treasurer. In addition, GK Alan Zimmel and DGK John Fassl worked the livestock gates while Past GK, Criss Wilson, a volunteer for the Medina Volunteer Fire Department, provided parking management.
Knights of Columbus members are involved in many organizations and events in the Bandera community. Active Catholic participation in community events is one way to evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ. Vivat Jesus.
Message and Photos from the Pregnancy Resource Center, Kerrville, TX
We’re so grateful to the Bandera Knights of Columbus for donating Similac infant formula to our center! If you or someone you know is in need, swing by and pick some up during our open hours. We’re here to help!
Council 10258 Second Annual Baby Bottle Drive is a Huge Success
The Knights of Columbus, Council 10258, held their Second Annual ‘Baby Bottle’ Drive benefitting the Parenting Resource Center (PRC) in Kerrville, TX. The Baby Bottle drive was held from Mother’s Day, May 12th, and finished on Father’s Day, June 16th. With the generous support of the St. Stanislaus and St Victor Parish communities the council raised $10,000 for the PRC to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support for families as they navigate pregnancy and parenthood. The funds were presented to the PRC on June 19, 2024
Council 10258 Successful 40 Days for Life Diaper Drive
During the Fraternal Year, 2023-2024, 40-Days for Life campaign, Council 10258 collected 11,276 diapers and 12,350 baby wipes through the generous support of the St. Stanislaus and St. Victor parish communities. These items were donated to support the Kerrville Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC), Kerrville, TX. The council’s Pro-life Chairman, John Fassl, spearheaded the collection efforts and along with several members of the council delivered these much-needed supplies on May 16, 2024.
Knights of Columbus Celebrate July 4th at Cedar Creek Nursing Home
The Knights of Columbus, Council 10258, took their musical talents to Cedar Creek Nursing Home on June 28, 2024 to sing patriotic songs with the residents and staff to celebrate the July of 4th Holiday. The spirited event brought out many residents who enjoyed the fellowship; several residents were either U.S. veterans or the spouse of a veteran.
Three High School Seniors Receive College Scholarships from Council 10258
Three St. Stanislaus/St. Victor Parish youth were awarded college scholarships for the Fall 2021 school year from Council 10258. The scholarships were presented to Mr. Ryan Zimmel, Ms. Samantha Reyna, and Ms. Elizabeth MacNeil during the Bandera High School awards ceremony held on 17 May 2021. These three deserving students exhibited sound moral leadership, academic excellence, and service to their parish community during their four years of high school. The Knights of Columbus Council 10258 extends their congratulations and best wishes to each of these outstanding young people as they make their way following God’s plan for them.
Council 10258 Answers the Call to Help Bandera County Neighbors
The Knights of Columbus Council 10258 has never turned down a request to help a neighbor, of any faith, when the need arises. Grand Knight Mike Lloyd received such an appeal for help from one of our Bandera County neighbors who was in dire need of lawn mowing and general lawn the care. These neighbors are going through health-related issues and are having a hard time keeping up with their properties upkeep. So, on the early morning of Saturday, 26 JUNE twelve Brother Knights arrived and mowed and trimmed the entire property in less than two hours. Those mustering the call for help included Mike Botello, John Fassl, Brian Dennis, Mike Tarr, Criss Wilson, Darrell Bay, Rick Brower, Alan Zimmel, Tom Habrzyk, Bill Mack, John Escalera and Mike Lloyd.
The ‘Road Crew’ from Council #10258 Rebuilds the Driveway at Triple H Equitherapy Center
Council #10258 doesn’t back away from a job when asked for help. This was case when Grand Knight Mike Lloyd asked members of the council to help rebuild the driveway of the Triple H Equitherapy Center on 13 March 2021. To do this job meant getting the boys with ‘big toys’ involved; Mike and Steve Jureczki and Brian Dennis lent the use of their heavy equipment. The support crew working behind the scenes cutting tree limbs, leveling, and raking areas included: Darrell Bay, Mike Botello, John Fassl, Mike Lloyd, and Alan Zimmel. Also, a friend of the council, Tom Habrzyk, volunteered to work on this project. Council #10258 has had a great relationship with helping Triple H Ranch over the past several years. Supporting the Triple H Equitherapy Center is a very worthy cause; the ranch provides horseback riding therapy for children and adults with mental, emotional, learning, and physical disabilities. The Triple H is a member of the NARHA, which defines standards, accredits operating centers and certifies instructors to ensure safe, high quality therapeutic riding programs.
Council 10258 Aids Community Neighbors in a Time of Great Need
The February 2021 winter storm that brought life threatening freezing temperatures and wide-spread power outages throughout the state of Texas left hundreds of thousands of people in desperate need of food and water. The citizens of Bandera County were not exempt from the hardships of this significant weather event. Being called to serve others, several members of the Knights of Columbus Council 10258 provided support to the Bandera County Emergency Management by helping distribute food and water to their neighbors in need at the Lakehills Civic Center on 25 February. Members of the council included Grand Knight Mike Lloyd, Mike Welborn, Rick Brower, Daniel Rodriguez, and Mitchell Lopez. These men of the Knights of Columbus demonstrate the vision of Blessed Michael McGivney (Founder of the Knights of Columbus) to be men of action; not called to action for its own sake, but rather to action that is grounded in the mission of the Gospel.
Council 10258 Promotes '40 Days For Life Campaign Diaper Drive'
With the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Knights of Columbus Council 10258, and the generous donations of the St Stanislaus/St Victor parish communities, thousands of much needed baby items were collected and donated to the Kerrville Pregnancy Resource Center. This past year’s annual 40 Days for Life Campaign was held between 23 September thru 01 November 2020; however, due to COVID-19 concerns, Council 10258 extended its collection period for a few more weeks. Together, as a community, the council collected 5,284 diapers, 6,792 baby wipes, several bottles of baby formula and 26 training pants. In addition, Council 10258 provided a $500.00 donation to the Pregnancy Resource Center. Grand Knight Mike Lloyd, with Criss Wilson, John Fassl, Ron Dusek, Rick Brower, and visiting Knight from Wisconsin Dan Wallace delivered these needed items on 08 January 2021. The 40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Thank You to all who helped make this year’s 40 Days For Life Campaign so successful.
Council 10258 Members Helping out Fellow Knight
Reminiscent of the days when farmers would get together to help each other out to get the crops harvested, each lending their equipment and manpower, so too did this occur on 7 November 2020 at the Jerry (Gator) Snellgove home. Although it was not crops being harvested but getting Gator’s winter firewood split and stacked that brought members of Council 10258 together to help a fellow Brother Knight. Thanks to Brian Dennis for the use of his wood splitter, and fellow Knights Darrell Bay, Rick Brower, Mitchell Lopez, and Alan Zimmel. The crew assembled at Gator’s beautiful home in the early morning and made short work of the task; then Gator’s lovely wife, Diane, prepared a hardy lunch for the guys to enjoy.
Council 10258 Helps St. Victor Chapel Landscape Parish Grounds
Several members of Knights of Columbus Council 10258 answered the call to help St Victor Chapel in Lakehills landscape their church grounds on 19 September 2020. Randy Riedlinger (Deputy Grand Knight), Gary Reile and Rick Schindler, all Brother Knights who attend St Victor Chapel spearheaded this worthy project. The work detail began at 8 AM after a hardy breakfast prepared by Lady Knights of St Victor. In addition to the Knights of St Victor other council members lending a hand were Rick Brower, Brian Dennis, Ernie DeWinne, John Fassl, Criss Wilson, and Alan Zimmel.
Council 10258 Helps Install Parking Bumpers at St. Stanislaus Church
New construction renovations at St. Stanislaus Church continue to make the church grounds safer and aesthetically pleasing for the church’s parishioners and the Bandera community. Knights of Columbus members from Council 10258 were on hand early Saturday morning, 01 Aug 2020, to install new parking bumpers in the south-side parking lot of the church. The project was supervised by Fr. Frank and council member Steve Jureczki. The work detail also included Grand Knight Mike Lloyd, Brian Dennis, Mike Tarr, Mike Botello, Mike Jureczki and Alan Zimmel. The installation of these parking bumpers will ensure a safe parking distance for cars from the cement steps and sidewalk that lead to the church entrance.
Council 10258 Answers the Call to Help a St. Stanislaus Parishioner
Late May 2020 thunderstorms brought much needed rain to the local community, but they also brought some high winds that downed trees. One such tree fell in the yard of a St. Stanislaus lady parishioner who asked the Knights of Columbus for help in cleaning up the debris .In no time at all Grand Knight Brian Dennis assembled a group of Knights from Council 10258, and working together, they made short order of cleaning up the fallen tree. The work detail gathered on the morning of 23 May and consisted of Grand Knight Brian Dennis, Darrell Bay, John Fassl, Mike Lloyd, Mike Tarr, and Alan Zimmel.
Council 10258 Awards Scholarships to Three St. Stanislaus Parish Youth
Council 10258, Bandera, TX awarded $1,000.00 college scholarships to three graduating Bandera High School seniors from St. Stanislaus parish. Receiving a $1,000.00 scholarship were Ms. Corinne McMullan, Mr. Aidan Weltens, and Mr. Solomon MacNeil. The application requirements to receive a scholarship are very stringent and these three students far exceeded the standard, so the council is proud to help these young people attain their future academic goals. Because of the COVID-19 quarantine the scholarship committee conducted on-line virtual meetings over several weeks to reach these results. Congratulations to all our young people graduating high school as they make their way to a new future.
Council 10258 Volunteers to Help Landscape St Stanislaus’ Lawn
Council 10258, along with several members of the parish community, provided the labor needed to lay 18 pallets of grass on the front lawn of St. Stanislaus Church on Saturday morning, 29 FEB 2020. A work crew of 20 men assembled at 0800 AM with Mike Tarr overseeing the task; Grand Knight Brian Dennis provided a breakfast snack to jump start the activity. The crew didn’t waste any time in getting to work, all 18 pallets were done by 9:30 AM.
Council 10258 Hosts District 41 Basketball Free Throw Championship
Council 10258 was the host council for the District 41 Basketball Free Throw Championships held at the Bandera Middle School gym on 8 FEB 2020. A large contingent of Bandera and Boerne area youth were on hand to try to qualify their way to the regional round to be held in San Antonio in mid-Mar. Council 10258 members supporting this event were: Free Throw Chairman Tom Doebbler, Grand Knight Brian Dennis, Claude Biediger, John Fassl, Jim Hackleman, Rick Brower, Scott Hicks, Jerry Snelgrove, and Alan Zimmel. Also, on hand to support the kids was District Deputy 41, Mike Trevino. The kids were excited and very focused to perform their best; they were divided into age groups (i.e 9-10 yrs, 11-12 yrs, and 13-14 yrs) and each contestant shot 25 free throws. The best score in each age division would move on to the Regional Round.
Council #10258 Members Volunteer to Help the Triple H Equitherapy Center
When the Triple H Equitherapy Center needed help getting ready to host trail riders heading to San Antonio for the annual San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, Council #10258 was ready to lend a hand. Deputy Grand Knight Mike Lloyd asked members of the council to help cut, split and stack wood on Saturday, 25 January 2020. Those men answering the call to service included: Darrell Bay, Mike Botello Rick Brower, David Bryd, Brian Dennis, Ernest DeWinne, John Fassl, Mike Lloyd, Mike Tarr and Alan Zimmel. Council #10258 has volunteered many hours towards helping Triple H Ranch over the past several years. Supporting the Triple H Equitherapy Center is a very worthy cause; the ranch provides horseback riding therapy for children and adults with mental, emotional, learning, and physical disabilities. The Triple H is a member of the NARHA, which defines standards, accredits operating centers and certifies instructors to ensure safe, high quality therapeutic riding programs.
Residents of Cedar Creek Nursing Home Remembered During Christmas Season
Council 10258 Pro-Life Director, Bryan Hutzler and his family took time out of their busy Christmas Season to deliver gifts and holiday cheer to the residents of Cedar Creek Nursing Home on December 24, 2019. The Council would like to thank Bryan, his wife Stacie, daughters Sarah and Emily and son John for delivering the gifts; this was a very kind act of giving of themselves to people who need an uplifting moment in their lives. The residents look forward to seeing guests this time of year and the bright smiles of the children added to the Christmas fun.
40 Days for Life Diaper Drive Produces Outstanding Results
Council 10258 collected thousands of baby diapers and wipes for the Kerrville Pregnancy Resource Center in support of the 40 Days For Life Campaign. The St. Stanislaus and St. Victor parish communities once again showed what it means to live their Catholic faith; together they donated 4,795 diapers and 17,441 baby wipes. Brother Bryan Hutzler, Council 10258 Pro-Life Chairman, with the help of several Knights and family members, to include: Criss Wilson, Ernie DeWinne, Claude Biediger, Rick Brower, Shawn Groff and Mike Lloyd delivered these need items on 12 December 2019. A heartfelt Thank You is extended to all those who helped make this year’s 40 Days For Life Campaign so successful.
Council #10258 Members Clean Up Triple H Ranch After a July Storm
Eight members of Council #10258 answered the call for help to clean up a small horse shelter that had been blown down during a mid-July rainstorm at the Triple H Equitherapy Ranch. Deputy Grand Knight Mike Lloyd, who spearheaded this task, asked members of the council to help on 02 August 2019. Those men answering the call to service included: Bill Mack, Ernest DeWinne, Darrell Bay, Mike Botello, Mike Jureczki, John Fassl, Rick Brower, and Mike Lloyd. Council #10258 has volunteered many hours towards helping Triple H Ranch over the past several years. Supporting the Triple H Equitherapy Center is a very worthy cause: the ranch provides horseback riding therapy for children and adults with mental, emotional, learning, and physical disabilities. The Triple H is a member of the NARHA, which defines standards, accredits operating centers and certifies instructors to ensure safe, high quality therapeutic riding programs.
Knights of Columbus Council Awards Four $1,000 College Scholarships
Council #10258 awarded $1,000 scholarships to four deserving High School Seniors during the annual Bandera High School Awards night on Tuesday, 04 June 2019. Council #10258, once again, demonstrated its support for the higher education of St. Stanislaus / St Victor parish students. These four students: Francesca Byrd, Davis McMullan, Marissa Cordero Olvera, and Ashlyn Persyn had outstanding high school careers, each excelling in their academic studies, extracurricular activities, and with their involvement in parish and community services. Grand Knight, Brian Dennis, and Council #10258 Scholarship Committee Chairman, Charles Cleaver presented the awards. Not present during the awards presentation was Marissa Cordero Olvera.
Knights of Columbus Council #10258 Members Called to Serve
Two members of Council #10258 demonstrated what it means to serve selflessly for their community when called upon. Brothers Darrell Bay and John Fassl answered the call on short notice to help prepare and grill hamburgers during the Horses and Heroes event held at Triple H Equitherapy on 01 June 2019. The Horses and Heroes event was a fund raiser for the Triple H Ranch; owned by Kent and Kathy Harbaugh, the ranch provides a wide range of horse-assisted activities and therapy for children, teens, adults and seniors. A variety of programs serve disabled veterans, particularly those facing the challenges of PTSD. Thank you, Darrell and John, for representing Council #10258 and supporting this great event.
Council 10258 Builds Wheelchair Ramp for A Neighbor in Need
The call to be charitable to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. St. Stanislaus Council #10258, Bandera, answered the call to help a local Bandera area resident who had fallen and injured her knee, making it difficult for her to gain access to her house. The idea to build her a wheelchair ramp was presented during a January council meeting, where the motion to build the ramp was unanimously approved. Rev. Msgr. Frank Kurzaj, pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, said the church would donate the funds for this worthy project.
The entire construction project was spearheaded by Brother Bill Mack, who, with nine other Knights from Council #10258 and another caring friend, completed the project on Saturday, March 2. To prepare for the job, Brother Bill did a pre-construction site survey, designed the ramp, purchased the building materials and assembled a majority of the ramp prior to delivering it to the residence.
Brother John Escalera got the early morning project started right by making and delivering 30 breakfast tacos for the work crew. The crew of 10 Knights, to include: Darrell Bay, Claude Biediger, Rick Brower, John Escalera, Shawn Groff, Bill Mack, Ken Mazurek, Manny Santos, Mike Tarr, Alan Zimmel, and a family friend - Jason Lopez, constructed the 20 ft long ramp under a cloudy, damp morning sky. Claude Biediger, a long-time next-door neighbor, noted the lady in need gave of herself and her resources to the care of rescued and abandoned horses; she is currently on the board of directors for a Bandera area horse rescue ranch.
The entire construction project was spearheaded by Brother Bill Mack, who, with nine other Knights from Council #10258 and another caring friend, completed the project on Saturday, March 2. To prepare for the job, Brother Bill did a pre-construction site survey, designed the ramp, purchased the building materials and assembled a majority of the ramp prior to delivering it to the residence.
Brother John Escalera got the early morning project started right by making and delivering 30 breakfast tacos for the work crew. The crew of 10 Knights, to include: Darrell Bay, Claude Biediger, Rick Brower, John Escalera, Shawn Groff, Bill Mack, Ken Mazurek, Manny Santos, Mike Tarr, Alan Zimmel, and a family friend - Jason Lopez, constructed the 20 ft long ramp under a cloudy, damp morning sky. Claude Biediger, a long-time next-door neighbor, noted the lady in need gave of herself and her resources to the care of rescued and abandoned horses; she is currently on the board of directors for a Bandera area horse rescue ranch.
Knights of Columbus Bring Christmas Cheer to Residents of Cedar Creek Nursing Home
Council #10258 sang Christmas carols and delivered small presents to the residents of Cedar Creek Nursing Home on 20 Dec.. This Christmas tradition was once again organized by Brother Bryan Hutzler, who with the help of Past Grand Knight Shawn Groff (aka Santa), Don Ritter, Mike Jureczki, John Fassl, Rick Brower, Grand Knight Brian Dennis and Alan Zimmel, brought a touch of Christmas fun to the residents.
Knights of Columbus Decorate Nativity Scene at St. Stanislaus Church
Members of Council #10258, in the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi, who is credited with staging the first nativity scene in 1223, set up the parish's beautiful Nativity Scene on Monday, 17 DEC 2018. Seven Brother Knights, led by Past Grand Knight Shawn Groff, along with John Fassl, Manny Santos, Claude Biediger, Rick Brower, Darrell Bay and Mike Jureczki completed the task in short order. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Annual Autumn Raffle Winners
The winners of Council 10258’s Annual Autumn Raffle were announced at the Knights Christmas Social on Sunday, 02 DEC. The Knights of Columbus wish to extend a big Thank You to Johnny Boyle, owner of Boyles Hardware and Bryan Hutzler, owner of Love Creek Orchards Pumpkin Patch in Medina, for allowing the Knights to sell tickets at their businesses, and also to all who purchased ticket(s). Proceeds benefit the Council's academic scholarship program for St Stanislaus / St Victor graduating H.S. seniors.
1. Bobby Springer, $2,000 Visa Gift Card
2. Bob Bashaw, $500 Visa Gift Card
3. Steve Cerwin, $500 Visa Gift Card
4. Ople Boyle, $250 Visa Gift Card
5. Matt King, $250 Visa Gift Card
6. Mason Fassl, $100 Visa Gift Card
7. Delia Reyes, $100 Visa Gift Card
8. Ricochet D.J., $100 Visa Gift Card
9. Claire Langford Parks, $100 Visa Gift Card
10. Patricia Botello, $100 Visa Gift Card
1. Bobby Springer, $2,000 Visa Gift Card
2. Bob Bashaw, $500 Visa Gift Card
3. Steve Cerwin, $500 Visa Gift Card
4. Ople Boyle, $250 Visa Gift Card
5. Matt King, $250 Visa Gift Card
6. Mason Fassl, $100 Visa Gift Card
7. Delia Reyes, $100 Visa Gift Card
8. Ricochet D.J., $100 Visa Gift Card
9. Claire Langford Parks, $100 Visa Gift Card
10. Patricia Botello, $100 Visa Gift Card
Council 10258 '40 Days for Life' Campaign is Blessed with Outstanding Results
The month of October is observed as Respect Life Month and once again the St. Stanislaus/ St. Victor Knights of Columbus, Council #10258, collected Baby Diapers on October 27th/28th and November 3rd/4th to benefit the Kerrville Pregnancy Center which serves Kerr, Gillespie, and Bandera Counties. Brother Knights from both parish communities teamed up to show their respect for life; collection boxes overflowed with generous donations that totaled 4,674 diapers, 3,976 baby wipes, $50 in cash donations. The Council's Pro-Life Director, Bryan Hutzler, along with Grand Knight Brian Dennis, Brother Knights John Fassl and John Escalera delivered these much needed items to the Kerrville Pregnancy Center on 27 Nov 2018.
40 Days for Life is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping people in local communities end the injustice of abortion through: Fasting and Prayer, Community Outreach and Peaceful Vigil. |
Knights of Columbus 3rd Annual Skeet Shoot
Several members of Council 10258 gathered at the Bandera Gun Club on Saturday morning, 22 SEP, to test their shooting skills at the 3rd Annual K of C Skeet Shooting challenge. The event was hosted by current council member and owner of the Bandera Gun Club, Brother JM Clements. The weather conditions on Saturday probably lent to low participation turnout, but those that did shoot experienced exciting competition, camaraderie and a delicious lunch provided by Brother John Escalera. The standings were: 1st Place - Alan Zimmel, 2nd Place - Shawn Groff, and 3rd Place - Paul Esposito. Past Grand Knight, Shawn Groff, was again instrumental in coordinating this great event. We look forward to this event again next year.
Council #10258 Members Volunteer to Help the Triple H Equitherapy Center Prepare for Site Accreditation Inspection
Knights of Columbus members from Council #10258, under the leadership of Brother Mike Lloyd, volunteered to help the Triple H Equitherapy Center prepare for an upcoming North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) site accreditation inspection. Nine Knights assembled over three Saturdays, 26 May, 02 June and 16 June, at 0800 hrs. to repair or replace horse pasture fences. The safety of the riders, as well as the horses, is a major concern for the staff at the center, so all fencing was checked for sharp or broken wires, loose fence posts and vegetation encroachment in the fence line corridor. Repairs of the pasture fence took the combined effort of these Knights over the three Saturdays to complete the job. Those participating included: Mike Jureczki, John Fassl, Ernest DeWinne, Russ Locke, Brian Dennis, Darrell Bay, Alan Zimmel, Mike Botello, and Mike Lloyd. Brother Mike himself has individually volunteered hundreds of hours working at the Triple H Equitherapy Center.
The Triple H Equitherapy Center, located at 789 Backhaus Rd, Pipe Creek, Texas, provides horseback riding therapy for children and adults with mental, emotional, learning, and physical disabilities. The Triple H is a member of the NARHA. Established in 1969, NARHA defines standards, accredits operating centers and certifies instructors to ensure safe, high quality therapeutic riding programs.
The Triple H Equitherapy Center, located at 789 Backhaus Rd, Pipe Creek, Texas, provides horseback riding therapy for children and adults with mental, emotional, learning, and physical disabilities. The Triple H is a member of the NARHA. Established in 1969, NARHA defines standards, accredits operating centers and certifies instructors to ensure safe, high quality therapeutic riding programs.
Council #10258 Awards Seven $1000.00 College Scholarships
Knights of Columbus, Council #10258, presented college scholarships to seven High School Seniors. Each student, all parishioners of St Stanislaus Church (Bandera) or St Victor Chapel (Lakehills), were presented with a $1000.00 scholarship during Senior Scholarship Night at Bandera High School on 5 JUN 2018. Grand Knight, Shawn Groff and Deputy Grand Knight, Brian Dennis presented these scholarships to Isabella Byrd, John Gross, Christian Henk, Max Hopf, Mayela Reyna, Alexandra Soupley and Victoria Soupley. These outstanding students were recognized for their excellent academic achievements as well as their school activities, community service and service to the church. The graduating class of Bandera High School included 153 students and these seven students represented the St. Stanislaus - St Victor parishes with great honor and dignity. All the best to our students as they become the leaders of tomorrow.
Knights of Columbus Helping Those Who Help Others
It was a very cool morning on Saturday, 13 January when Knights of Columbus members from Council 10258 donated their time and equipment to help repair the outdoor lights at the Triple H Equitherapy Center arena, Pipe Creek, TX. This worthy project was spearheaded by Brother Mike Lloyd, who brought the idea to repair the lights to the council; the safety of the riders and the horses depends on the arena having exceptionally good lighting. Brother Knights helping Mike included: Darrell Bay, Charles Grant, Mike Jureczki, Steve Jureczki and Alan Zimmel.
Steve Jureczki brought his aerial work platform (AWP), otherwise known as a "cherry picker" and Carlos Lopez, who was unable to attend, donated his scaffolding; both items allowed the team to work safely at the required height.
The Triple H Equitherapy Center, owned by Kent and Kathy Harbaugh, provides a wide range of horse-assisted activities and therapy for children, teens, adults and seniors. A variety of programs serve disabled veterans, particularly those facing the challenges of PTSD.
Steve Jureczki brought his aerial work platform (AWP), otherwise known as a "cherry picker" and Carlos Lopez, who was unable to attend, donated his scaffolding; both items allowed the team to work safely at the required height.
The Triple H Equitherapy Center, owned by Kent and Kathy Harbaugh, provides a wide range of horse-assisted activities and therapy for children, teens, adults and seniors. A variety of programs serve disabled veterans, particularly those facing the challenges of PTSD.
A Christmas Season Tradition Continues at Cedar Creek Nursing Home
Knights of Columbus members from Council 10258 visited Cedar Creek Nursing Home on 21 December 2017 to spend time with the residents and staff; they sang familiar Christmas carols and distributed special gifts to the ‘good’ boys and girls. Brother Bryan Hutzler organized this special event; he was accompanied by 6 Brother Knights and 2 family members. Once again, Brother Kevin Fitzpatrick provided the entertainment for the residents with his world famous trick roping; the residents always seem to enjoy his talented demonstration. After singing several familiar Christmas carols that included: ‘The First Noel’, ‘Jiggle Bells’, and ‘Away in a Manger’, to name a few, the Knights handed out small gifts to the residents. The Christmas season is a time for giving of oneself and caring for others; Council 10258 strives to ensure the residents of Cedar Creek are not forgotten during this holy season.
Be on the Lookout for K of C Council #10258 Autumn Raffle Sales
The 2017 Autumn Raffle Season has kicked off for the Knights of Columbus Council #10258. The council wants to HIGHLIGHT that only 1000 tickets will be sold at $10 per ticket. All proceeds benefit the council’s High School Scholarship Fund and local Bandera County charity events.
Tickets can be purchased from any member of Council 10258, before and after all Saturday and Sunday Masses at St. Stanislaus Church in Bandera or St. Victor Church in Lakehills, TX. The drawings will occur on the evening of 03 DEC 2017 at the Council’s Christmas Social. Look for your opportunity to win the Grand Prize of a $2000.00 Visa Card. The remaining nine prizes include: 2x $500 Visa Card, 2x $250 Visa Cards, and 5x $100 Visa Cards.
Tickets can be purchased from any member of Council 10258, before and after all Saturday and Sunday Masses at St. Stanislaus Church in Bandera or St. Victor Church in Lakehills, TX. The drawings will occur on the evening of 03 DEC 2017 at the Council’s Christmas Social. Look for your opportunity to win the Grand Prize of a $2000.00 Visa Card. The remaining nine prizes include: 2x $500 Visa Card, 2x $250 Visa Cards, and 5x $100 Visa Cards.
Council #10258 Sponsors Diaper Drive during 40 Days of Life
Knights of Columbus Council #10258 is again sponsoring a baby diaper drive to support the Kerrville Pregnancy Center during the 40 Days for Life. Diaper and Baby Wipe collection boxes will be stationed at all Masses at St. Stanislaus (Bandera) and St. Victor (Lakehills).
Council #10258 Holds Second Annual Skeet Shoot
Knights of Columbus Council #10258, Bandera, held its Second Annual Skeet Shoot on Saturday, 16 September 2017 at the Bandera Gun Club. Several avid sporting clay enthusiasts from the council participated in the event to share their love for skeet shooting and spend time together. Brother JM Clements, owner of the Bandera Gun Club, generously provided the Knights with the venue and at a reduced rate to participate. The competition was very close, in fact first place was decided on a shoot-out between Shawn Groff and Alan Zimmel, with Zimmel hitting 1 of 2 shots to secure the win. Second place went to Shawn, third place to Geovany Gutierrez, and the famous Dead Last trophy went Matt Groff. A great day at the shooting range was enhanced by the fellowship and camaraderie each participant brought to the event.
Council 10258 Install Three Umbrella Stands
On Saturday, 16 September, Knights of Columbus members from Council 10258 (and one family member) provided the manpower to install three umbrella stands on the front lawn of St. Stanislaus Church. The Knights installed three metal cylinders (24 inches deep) that large weather resistant umbrellas can be placed, and when the umbrellas are removed a cap can be placed over the holes for safety. Brother Mike Jureczki headed up this worthy effort; he planned and supplied the necessary materials while Brother Claude Biedeger brought his post hole digger to make digging the holes easy. The crew members included: Mike Tarr, Mike Botello, Claude Biedger, Mike Jureczki, Carlos Garcia, Andy Garcia (family), Gary Groff, Daryl Bay, CJ Garcia, Steve Jureczki, and Shawn Groff. A big thank you goes out to these men, their effort will provide the entire parish community with protection from the hot sun or wet weather during special events on the lawn.
Council 10258 Helps to Renovate a Parishioner’s House
When a parishioner of St. Victor Catholic Chapel, a mission chapel of St. Stanislaus Church, Bandera, asked for help to replace the siding and windows on her house, the Knights of Columbus Council 10258 provided the muscle to get the job accomplished.
The task was spearheaded by Brother Carlos Lopez, who provided the professional ‘know how’ and tools, and together with many members of the council, brought a fresh look to the parishioner’s home. The council members donated their time and talents over several Saturdays, starting in March and finishing up in mid-July. The home owner was very appreciative for the help and the experience of the council working together brought to light the meaning of serving Jesus through serving one another. |
Brother Gene Meinen Receives Honorary Life Award
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 presented Brother Gene Meinen with his Honorary Life Award at the council’s monthly meeting held on 16 May 2017. Brother Gene earned this prestigious award having fulfilled the requirements of both age and continuous years of service for our great Order.
Brother Brian Dennis Earns V.I.P. Recruitment Award
Deputy Grand Knight, Brian Dennis, received well deserved recognition for having recruited two new members to join the Knights of Columbus during the past 2016-2017 Fraternal Year. Brian was presented a Very Important Proposer (V.I.P.) Club lapel pin by District Deputy Scott Scheidt at the Knights of Columbus Council 10258 regular monthly meeting held on 18 April 2017. Membership in the Order’s V.I.P. Club is open to all Knights that recruit 2 or more members into the Order. Once a member recruits 2 new Knights, he is automatically enrolled into the ‘V.I.P.’ Club. Congratulations Brian, well done.
Council 10258 Receives Texas State Councils and Charities Award
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 added another prestigious award to its already impressive trophy case when District Deputy Scott Scheidt presented the council with the Texas State Council and Charities Award for the 2016-2017 Fraternal Year during their monthly meeting held on 18 April 2017. Accepting the award for the council was Sir Knight James Hackleman, the councils Financial Secretary. Although the entire council’s membership is responsible in obtaining this award through all their many fund raising activities, it’s the Financial Secretary who is responsible for making sure the money and forms are submitted to the Texas State Knights of Columbus Charities in order for the council to be recognized.
The Knights of Columbus members of Council 10258 are making a difference in our great State and we need everyone working together to raise money for the needy and other charitable causes. We must lead by example to show others our principles are not merely words but part of the life we lead each day. Each council has a goal that equals $10 times the number of active members in their Council. |
Hill Country Elementary Student wins Knights of Columbus
Texas State Basketball Free Throw Championship
Texas State Basketball Free Throw Championship
Article by: Alan Zimmel
Knights of Columbus (KofC) Council 10258, recognized Hill Country Elementary School student, Jazele Martinez, as the Knights of Columbus Texas State Basketball Free Throw Champion during their regular council meeting held on March 21. Jazele, the daughter of Roy and Norma McClure, participated in the 9 year age group. Her basketball free throw talent enabled her to advance through several levels of competition, starting at the local level at Hill Country Elementary School, at the district level at Bandera Middle School, then Diocesan Level at St. Peter and St. Joseph Gym in San Antonio and finally at the Texas State competition held on March 4th at Barbara Bush Middle School, San Antonio. When asked if she was nervous about competing at the state level Jazele casually responded with a confident smile and said “no”; a women of few words but remarkable actions. Her paperwork has been sent to the National Office for possible honors at the National level.
Since 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14. Council 10258 has supported this youth activity since 1997 and according to this year’s chairman, Brother Tom Doebbler, this is the first time a youth from Bandera has achieved a championship at the state level. For her efforts Jazele was awarded a medal for her first place finish in Bandera, a medal at the Diocesan Level and a KofC Basketball and trophy at the state level. The Bander Council presented Jazele with a State Championship T-shirt. Congratulations Jazele on your outstanding accomplishement.
Knights of Columbus (KofC) Council 10258, recognized Hill Country Elementary School student, Jazele Martinez, as the Knights of Columbus Texas State Basketball Free Throw Champion during their regular council meeting held on March 21. Jazele, the daughter of Roy and Norma McClure, participated in the 9 year age group. Her basketball free throw talent enabled her to advance through several levels of competition, starting at the local level at Hill Country Elementary School, at the district level at Bandera Middle School, then Diocesan Level at St. Peter and St. Joseph Gym in San Antonio and finally at the Texas State competition held on March 4th at Barbara Bush Middle School, San Antonio. When asked if she was nervous about competing at the state level Jazele casually responded with a confident smile and said “no”; a women of few words but remarkable actions. Her paperwork has been sent to the National Office for possible honors at the National level.
Since 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship for boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 14. Council 10258 has supported this youth activity since 1997 and according to this year’s chairman, Brother Tom Doebbler, this is the first time a youth from Bandera has achieved a championship at the state level. For her efforts Jazele was awarded a medal for her first place finish in Bandera, a medal at the Diocesan Level and a KofC Basketball and trophy at the state level. The Bander Council presented Jazele with a State Championship T-shirt. Congratulations Jazele on your outstanding accomplishement.
K of C brings Christmas Cheer to
Cedar Creek Nursing Home
Cedar Creek Nursing Home
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 were welcomed by the residents of Cedar Creek Nursing Home (Bandera) for an afternoon of Christmas carols, cowboy trick roping, and fellowship on December 23, 2016. Led by the jolly old elf, Santa (a.k.a. Grand Knight Shawn Groff) with 15 Brother Knights and 8 of their family members, Council 10258 distributed Christmas gift packages to the cheerful residents. Council members and family then performed a multitude of familiar Christmas carols, with musical accompaniment provided by Manny Santos, Jr.
Topping off the afternoon’s fun, world famous Cowboy trick roper, Brother Knight Kevin Fitzpatrick performed various trick roping acts that included roping the elusive Santa. The smiles and laughs were especially fun to see on the ‘young at heart’ residents.
Council 10258 has provided Christmas cheer the residents of Bandera’s nursing homes for several years and the spirit of giving of oneself during the Christmas season is truly a worthwhile endeavor.
Topping off the afternoon’s fun, world famous Cowboy trick roper, Brother Knight Kevin Fitzpatrick performed various trick roping acts that included roping the elusive Santa. The smiles and laughs were especially fun to see on the ‘young at heart’ residents.
Council 10258 has provided Christmas cheer the residents of Bandera’s nursing homes for several years and the spirit of giving of oneself during the Christmas season is truly a worthwhile endeavor.
Council 10258 Provides Warm Coats during Holiday Season
The Knights of Columbus Council 10258, Bandera, TX provided much needed warm winter coats to Arms of Hope (Medina Children's Home) in Media, TX to support their Coats for Kids program. Arms of Hope is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Christian care organization that assists children and single-mother families in need and relies on caring individuals, businesses, civic groups, churches and foundations for funding and volunteer support. This worthy project was spearheaded by Deputy Grand Knight Brian Dennis who, along with his Brother Knights, donated 50 coats of various sizes and colors for the children in need of these items.
The coats were delivered on 21 November by Brothers Brian Dennis, Claude Biediger, Darrell Bay, and John Escalera. The Arms of Hope staff were very appreciative to receive the donations. Staff on had to receive the items were Ms. Carla Parker and Ms. Marissa Gonzalez.
The coats were delivered on 21 November by Brothers Brian Dennis, Claude Biediger, Darrell Bay, and John Escalera. The Arms of Hope staff were very appreciative to receive the donations. Staff on had to receive the items were Ms. Carla Parker and Ms. Marissa Gonzalez.
Council 10258 Supports 40 Days of Life With A
Successful Diaper Drive
Successful Diaper Drive
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 sponsored a baby diaper drive to support the 40 Days for Life Campaign. On 05 - 06 Nov collection boxes were placed at St. Stanislaus (Bandera) and St. Victor (Lakehills) resulting in over 3000 diapers, 4000 baby wipes, and $200 cash being collected. Heading up this effort for Council 10258 was Pro-Life Director Bryan Hutzler. All collected items will be donated to the Kerrville Pregnancy Resource Center, Kerrville, TX.
1st Annual Knights of Columbus Skeet Shoot
Knights of Columbus Council 10258 held their 1st Annual Skeet Shoot at the Bandera Gun Club, Bandera, TX on September 03, 2016. Knights of Columbus members, families and friends joined in for a day of fellowship and sporting clay target shooting. The event also included a light lunch and refreshments afterward. CJ Garcia placed 1st , Luke Rutkowski placed 2nd, and Shawn Groff and Carlos Garcia tied for 3rd place. The event was sponsored by Council 10258 with all proceeds benefiting Knights of Columbus local charities.
Knights of Columbus members, family and friends. Front Row: Jose Ibarra, Claude Biediger, Andy Zimmel, Alan Zimmel, Carlos Garcia, Second Row: Deacon Carl Rutkowski, Luke Rutkowski, Ken McBride, Fr. John Nolan, Russ Locke, Jim Hackleman, Charles Grant, Ron Dusek, Mike Jureczki, CJ Garcia, and Shawn Groff. Not Pictured: JM Clements and Mike Lloyd. Photo by: Alan Zimmel
2016 Substance Abuse Poster Contest Winners
Congratulations to the our 2016 Substance Abuse Prevention Contest winners. The year our Knights of Columbus Council # 10258 had two winners at the state level and one at the district level. They are picutred below receiving their awards from District Deputy Joseph Arrieta from Boerne.